Sunday, March 7, 2010

This one's for you, little D!

It is Sunday and I have been missing my relationship with church and most importantly, my God. It was time to start a new day and a new attitude this morning plus D2 was to be given his 3 year old Bible and his love of books will be expanded if he begins to love his Bible too.
Last night, D3 and I were able to catch up as he went skiing with his family for a week and my work consumes my days most weeks. D3 and I have been best "buds" since his birth. I thank God everyday for his life and pray for him in this world. He has passed me up now and is taller. He won the school spelling bee and will go to the district spelling bee for the second year in a row. We are proud of his abilities but most of all I love his kind and gentle spirit. I work with kids his age in schools I visit and I am constantly amazed at their views of life. There is so much vulgar language, abuse, and insecurities in the lives of young people today and very few of the children I see have a wonderful set of parents like my grandboys do and grandparents who pray over them like my grandboys do. So this one's for you, little D (might have to change that nickname now that your shoulders are higher off the ground than mine). I love you dearly and I pray you life will be richly blessed by many people who believe in you and want what is very best for you. I pray you will rely on God in the good times and the times that are tough. You know he is there for you always!
I spent a few days with daughter and her boys in Minnesota. That was fun? Well I do believe we have some differences in opinon on how to do things and sometimes that causes us some stress in our relationship. Allison is very precise and confident in her decisons and actions. The problem is not her, it is that her mother is compulsive and cofident in her experience. Well, let's just say I wish I could learn to be more careful of when and how I offer advice. We did have fun and I always enjoy spending time with Z and G. They are so inquisitive and their love of music reminds me of my daddy. He would so love to hear them sing and dance. I think his talents are in their genes. I had a fun night with my daughter's friends from MOPS. I wish every young mother could have their support system and listen to their values and faith come floating into their conversations. They are truly delightful young women.
Work has been challenging with the weather. Most of you know that I travel with staff to schools around the state of South Dakota to offer technical assistance and provide coaching to teachers. It is truly an awesome responsibility and I only wish I could have had some of this professional development when I was young. I wonder why we choose to spend so much money on professional sports in our country but cannot afford to fund teachers and educational programs at the state and national level. Our state legislators are certainly between a rock and hard spot but I question the wisdom in their budgetary cuts for schools in South Dakota. They have one more week of deliberations and then the hammer will fall. It isn't going to be good.
Meanwhile, I am trying to follow my doctor's advice about keeping a balance in my life. I must exercise everyday and if you are praying soul, please ask God to compel Sylvia to do just that! The doctor says I have to take care of myself. I have always been one who can do that for others but neglect me. One would think I would learn. I am eating fairly right foods everyday. I am sleeping so much better now with my CPAP. I just need to allow 30 minutes a day in my awake time to exercise. Check out some of my quilting projects later when I update my quilting blog. I have been working and some beautiful things are coming out of my time.
It is suppose to rain tomorrow and Tuesday. Maybe spring will come to the Dakotas.


THE DASH! said...

You're right - you must always look after yourself too - something us women sadly neglect. Hope you have a lovely week getting back in touch with yourself. x

Tina said...

my make progress in each important area everyday has been incredibly helpful. It might be a strategy for getting some you time too.

Even if you carve out as little as 5 minutes on some days it is still more than before.

Nola said...

yes, the hardest thing of all is to put ourselves first! Craft is a wonderful way to "just be" and go into your quilting.

THE DASH! said...

Hi there, Sylvia
What a lovely message on my post. Thank you so much for thinking of me.

We are all safe and well here in Perth, though by all accounts we did have the terrible storm. Its now been classed as a Natural Disaster - the worst storm to hit for 30 years.

Luckily, though unusually, where we live didn't get the worst of the brunt. Usually the coast gets worst hit (and I live right on the coast, just a few hundred metres off the beach.) The eye of the storm hit Perth in a massive way - flooding etc.. you probably heard about it on the news. Thanks again so much for your well wishes. I hope you are well, too xxx

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration to me with your blog, I nominated you for a Sunshine Award. Go to my blog and check it out!