Saturday, April 4, 2009

Have I Told You Lately?

I love going to the Rec. Today I saw four very good friends at the Rec working out. The first one walked over to where I was cross training and gave me a big hug and said, "you are looking good". He is the father-in-law of my trainer and we have been friends for years. He is a former DCI guy and is built of muscle and our age. What could I say? He knows how hard I have tried to lose weight for the past three years and so I said, "working on it". Then another friend who is tiny tiny and is now addicted to exercise saw me. She just hugged me and told me how great I am doing. T has gone through some really tough times in her life and is such a focused person. Her faith has gotten her through the last couple of years and I respect her so much. She understands addiction and my addiction has been food. Another friend who has conquered cancer was exercising and she, too, gave me a thumbs up. What do you say to someone who has had cancer about just losing weight! She is the one who is doing great. Finally, a former student from the University met me and as we passed in the snow she leaned in and said, "by the way, I meant to tell you the other day, you are looking so good". That prompted this blog post. I want to shout from the mountains, "YES, I am looking good." But, what if I jinx myself. This whole mental attitude is so much a part of our struggle with weight. I have to love and respect myself enough to keep going. I just want to watch those grand babies grow up and enjoy my family for years to come. The whole motivation is health! But looking healthy and well is such a nice thing.
To be able to go into a department store, pull a size 16 dress off the rack, put it on, and look remarkably well. That is a celebration. That is visible to me also. Have I told you lately how great I feel. Don't let me down little band. I am depending on you to get me through this and keep me on track. By the way, it is snowing! Touch South Dakota tulips in the snow. Same hot tub, second storm.


Mom said...

Kudos, Sylvis, KUDOS!!

Mattsmom said...

You are doing awesome in your weight loss! Funny when I have had some people comment to me on my loss I say the same thing, 'I'm working on it." I love your slide show it really shows the progress you have made! Congrats on breaking though your plateau. Look forward to following along:)))