Monday, August 25, 2008

Pedicure and Diet Coke

With less than 36 hours until the surgery, I have to reflect on this day. Rather than vanity, I would like to consider it "taking care of myself". I had scheduled a pedicure so that my feet would be soft and my toes would be pretty when they wheel me into that surgery suite. I decided that rather than a glass of wine, I would indulge in my LAST diet coke. Call me fickle, I drank it slowly and quite honestly, it didn't taste that great. Vince will be relieved to read this!Considering I have been drinking my calories the last few days, water and tomato juice have become quite appealing. I still have to ingest that nasty liquid antibiotic. Trust me, I have a new appreciation for children who don't want to swallow this stuff. It is horrid! I stopped by the pharmacy tonight to pick up my magnesium citrate (pre-surgery cocktail) and chided the pharmacist about the taste of my prescription. She offered to put in a flavor but when she checked her books, she couldn't do that to a generic. Sooooo, gives new meaning to "having to swallow your medicine". When I stepped on my scale this morning it read 238. That is 5 pounds in two weeks. I'm ready!

1 comment:

njo said...

Sylvia - Your journey is going to be successful. I admire your preparation and the support you have. This is just a turn in the road where you leave some things behind and gain new and better ones. With the support and love you have you will be successful. We love you - N